Monday, October 20, 2014

IC Journal Club - Intermittent Self-Catheterization in Multiple Sclerosis

For MS patients who experience neurogenic voiding dysfunction, clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) is the preferred method of removing urine from the bladder.  Jack Lapides, MD first described this technique more than 40 years ago and today it remains the most successful technique for bladder emptying in people with urinary retention.
Clean intermittent self-catheterization, or clean intermittent catheterization, in people who require help from others to catheterize, is intended to mimic the normal bladder function of the filling and emptying cycle in normal micturition. Intermittent catheterization prevents the development of chronic fibrosis and the eventual development of a small capacity and poorly compliant bladder.
There are many materials and designs of intermittent catheters, however, there are several advantages to the single-use, hydrophilic catheters.  The single-use, hydrophilic catheters may reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections in all persons requiring intermittent catheterization, as well as reducing the potential for urethral wall trauma.  
Intermittent catheters need to be selected in the right size and length. IC needs to be performed at least 4 times per day to completely empty the bladder and some patients more frequently each day. Compliance to IC is essential in patients who have urinary retention.

This presentation provides a review of the use of intermittent catheterization in MS patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction.

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